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 Art & Writing        News...


  UNDER THE MICROSCOPE was accepted into the Cooperstown Regional 

juried show..


  MARIUPOL was accepted into the American Watercolor Associates

juried show and the Cooperstown National juried show.


 TORNADO and WHAT WE CAN'T SEE were accepted into the annual CNY Watercolor Society annual show. TORNADO won an artistic merit award.


  PAUSING ON A WINTER DAY, a watercolor painting, was accepted into the 2021 Cooperstown National Juried Show. 


  UNDER THE SURFACE, a colored pencil painting, was accepted into the 2021 Cooperstown Regional Juried Show and the 2021 Colored Pencil Society of America International Show. 


   INFESTATION, a watercolor painting, has been included in the 2021 STONE CANOE literary journal. 


   ARTIFACTS, a watercolor painting, has been included in the 2020 summer HALCYONE literary journal. 


   "Kaleidoscope," a short story, has been accepted into the Irish literary magazine, BANSHEE, #10.  


   "Time," a short short story, has been accepted into the CLOUDBANK, #14 Flash Fiction Contest. 


   WINTER  WOODS, a pastel painting, has been included in the 2020 STONE CANOE literary journal. 


   CANNIBALS ON PARADE, a colored pencil drawing, was accepted into the 2019 Cooperstown Regional Art Show.  


    "Snow," my short story about a pioneer woman crumbling beneath the weight of the tragedies she faces on a farm in the mid-west of the late 1800s, is in the 2019 fall/winter volume of Tahoma Literary Review. 


    Asterisk Anthology: Volume 2 is currently available on AMAZON. This book is  collection of horror short stories, including my piece, "The Llano Estacado," which won third prize in its category. During the 1850's, a man, cursed by the Apache he killed, crosses the staked plains of Texas in an effort to save himself.  But will the thing following him catch up with him first?


     "The Love Letter of John Henry Holliday" was chosen as Book of the Month for the Discovering Diamonds review of past historical fiction books by the Historical Fiction Society. My book can be purchased on AMAZON.     


     ICE CUBE VISIONS, a colored pencil painting, has been accepted into the 2018 Cooperstown National Juried Show. You can see this piece by visiting "The Art Work" page. 


    CANNIBALS ON PARADE received an award for distinction in the 2018 Colored Pencil Society of America's International Exhibit. Since this was my third CPSA International Exhibit acceptance in ten years, I was awarded CPSA status, allowing me to use this acronym after my name. You can see this piece by visiting "The Art Work" page.


    TYLER, a colored pencil painting, has been accepted into the 2017 Colored Pencil Society of America's International Exhibition. You can see this piece by visiting "The Art Work" page. 


    ICE CUBE VISIONS, a colored pencil painting, has been accepted into the 2016 Colored Pencil Society of America's International Exhibition.  You can see this piece by visiting  "The Art Work" page. 


    ADIRONDACK POND, a colored pencil painting, is currently on exhibit in a juried show sponsored by the Wild Center in Tupper Lake, New York. You can see this piece by visiting "The Art Work" page. 


    BRIDGE TO NOWHERE, an abstract watercolor painting, has been accepted into 6 Bridges Art Gallery juried exhibition in Maynard, Massachusetts.

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